Don’t Give Up

Dear Readers,
Mr. UT and I went for long hike today, in a beautiful park.
When we had gone two miles we debated how far we should continue hiking.
We ended up hiking 5 miles in 92 degrees heat.

Half the time, I complained to Mr. UT about how hot, tired, and thirsty I was.
But Mr. UT just kept reaching for my hand when I was going up a steep hill, and encouraged me to keep moving.

And guess what?
When we were done, I was so very glad I kept going and didn’t give up.
The woods and lakes were lovely, green and blue, and little frogs were hopping everywhere.
I felt good about getting my exercise out in nature, and having time to discuss life with Mr. UT.

I am also thankful I went on a hard walk to find sobriety.
And yes, I complained to Mr. UT about how hard it was, how left out I felt, how I didn’t think I could keep going.
But he, along with other people, offered me their hands, and pulled me along when my energy was sinking.
They talked me through my fears.

If I had given up on my road to sobriety, I would have never found the joy and peace of mind I have today.
Being sober brings me joy.
It brings joy to my marriage, joy to my family, and joy to all I meet in the world.
It brings joy when I water my flowers, volunteer, do the laundry, and have coffee.

It’s not as if I am running around happy all the time.
I still have crabby times, tired times, sad times and angry times.
But there is an underlying joy and peace of mind knowing that these times will pass, and that I can meet any challenges that face me with grace.

It occurred to me last weekend, as Mr. UT and I ran around the city having too much fun, that I didn’t miss drinking at all.
We went a museum, a sculpture garden, walked by lakes, and ate ice cream galore. (It was National Ice Cream Day!)

Now I am sore from our hike, my back is killing me.
I’m still a little crabby.
And I am so happy that I am still walking on the path of sobriety.

With an Iced Tea,
On Day 1,052,

26 thoughts on “Don’t Give Up

  1. Dear Wendy,That looks like a lovely walk. I am happy you and Mr. UT are having such a good time. And yes, it sounds difficult but isn't it wonderful how you did not give up and were helped along. 🙂 I am glad you did not give up on yourself, not in the walk, not in recovery.xx, Feeling


  2. I love that it can be peaceful to do laundry, because that is exactly what I'm doing. And you're right. I am so happy to have coffee in the morning and a quiet day at home doing chores. In my drinking life, I would never have done this without alcohol involved somehow. And I would have complained about every minute of it, plus tried to get my husband to go out to lunch so I could order a couple of really good mixed drink. (No ABC stores open on Sunday.) I can always feel the gratitude in your posts, Wendy. Thank you for the beautiful example of sober grace. 💕


  3. Oh boy, I never even heard of the name of those stores until we went to visit someone in South Carolina and we went looking to buy wine!We really did think they were a kid store or something! LOLAnd same here about the making hubs take me out to lunch!Oh boy.That's why it's good to have other people who understand where we have been and where we are now, and where we hope to go!xo


  4. I was telling someone is weekend that when I was drinking I used to get up and make the kids lunches, all the while grumbling about how hard some by and unappreciated I was. It was me me me.Now I get up and make the kids lunches and enjoy every moment of taking care of them and getting things ready for the day. The exact same person doing the exact same work. But the perspective has changed.Who knew?Anne


  5. Sounds like quite the hike! The area reminds me of the marsh gardens around where we live in MD. We're going there this week, I think. And it is hot and muggy as all get out here. I'll think of your post and try to appreciate it!


  6. great analogy …I'm often asked my key piece of advice to someone trying to give up… \”Don't give up giving up\”This works for me on two levels – one if you keep relapsing \”Don't give up giving up\” the next time might be the one that sticks.Also once you have stopped for a while, for me at least, I need to remember that I have given up, not taken a rest or having a break etc. I've given up so again… \”Don't give up giving up\”


  7. Wonderful post, Wendy, with such a beautiful, and apt, analogy! I'm such a heat/humidity wimp, I doubt I'd do a mile. So special kudos to you. And you look so good and fit in that photo!


  8. I'm so happy for you. I love to hear of your joy in life and without any need and/or want for alcohol. I look to you for guidance on this beginning path of mine, you are one of the many examples of the way it can/should be when one decides enough is enough!


  9. I never thought I could be this far along and sober and happy about it!But I am, and I know you can be too!There will be good days, bad days, and in-between days, but through it all, not drinking makes all days better!xo


  10. I'm in doubt all the time if I can keep this up. I know it's the right thing to do. I know I need to do this to be free of guilt and shame from drinking, because I don't drink responsibly. Great point I need to keep in mind, \”There will be good days, bad days and in-between days, but through it all, not drinking makes all days better!\” May I quote you in my blog with this line? Have a great day Wendy! ll


  11. Beautiful post, Wendy. What a journey. I'm so glad you never gave up and you are here to share your story of long-time sobriety. It's a hope for so many!I remember being in my first week, month, year, and wondering how in the hell people can accumulate ALL that sober time. I needed examples to follow. People to show me what to do. Sometimes, how to think. It's the examples that pave the way for others. Thank you for yours.


  12. Thank you, Mark!I really have gotten strength and hope from the people who have gone before, as well as people still struggling.It really is a path full of little lights, and if I just follow that along, I am ok!xo


  13. Hello lovely lady. It's been a wonderful experience communicating online. You have a special way of making me smile – I like that. I've been meaning to stop by here and hop around. So glad I did. Wonderful post. Sometimes we complain, sometimes we are happy, sometimes we hike five miles and get a sore back, all to realize this is recovery, and in the end the journey is worth it… Thank you!


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