Green is a Color, Too!

Dear Readers,

When Mr. UT and I plan our walks or hikes in fall, I think about where we might find the best color. Sometimes we get lucky, but other times, there aren’t a lot of the fall colors I love. There might be a splash of color in one maple tree, or some red berries, but rarely do we find a whole park filled with fall colors.

So today, as we went hiking in a local nature preserve, I saw gorgous blue sky, with only a bit of fall colored leaves among the green. As I commented on this fact, Mr. UT replied, “Green is a color, too!”

His statement remided me of two things; gratitude and paying attention to the now.

I know I often write about graitude, but it really is a cornerstone of my mental health. I can thank recovery for that. It’s when I started reading some of the literature and books about recovery that I started to fully emabrace this mindset.

Paying attention to the now, is harder for me. I can easily slip into the “I wish” zone, one where I wish I was doing something else, wishing I had done something else, or anything but where I am. Yet I know I am quite happy in the now, if I just let myself be there.

Of course I like to plan things, like trips, which is great, or look back at fond memories!

Mr. UT and I went golfing this morning, and I had a lot of fun, partly because it’s all I was focused on. I wasn’t wishing it was anything different. Not anywhere different. Just happy trying to play in the wind, with tornados of leaves around us! I realized this, after I got home, that I was content in the present.

With Leaves Stuck on My Socks, Yoga Pants, and Floor,

On Day 2223,


20 thoughts on “Green is a Color, Too!

  1. Hi Wendy! Great photos as always! It looks like nice fall weather to golf in! Staying in the present is definitely tough but you’re doing a great job! I like that terminology, “Staying in the present.” I haven’t heard it put like that and I’m taking that with me from now on. ❤️😁😊

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  2. That’s really funny. We do so often stop seeing the background of our lives. In May I drove across South Dakota to visit my dad in Wyoming, and the greens!!! I’ve dabbled around with paint lately and am learning how to mix colors and that has changed how I see colors out there (my mind even has this thing it occasionally says of colors on things in the world: “that’s not my color,” as in, that’s not one of the colors I made, someone else made that). The greens in South Dakota in May just about exploded my eyes. But I get it, through the summer the greens become our backdrop, and our eyes search for the new spots. Color as meditation…… happy Tuesday. Adrian

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    1. Oh, I just love green in the spring and summer. We visitied Custer State Park in SD in spring, and it was amazing! And baby aninmals everywhere! Baby bison, baby mountain goats, baby mules, baby everything!


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